【作伙來Ze Hui Lai】
碧拉.塔妮雅 & 周靈芝 聯展
Joint Exhibition by Prilla Tania & Julie Chou
‘作伙來’是一句口語台灣話,意思是’一起來’ 、’一起吃’ 。我們以它為展覽標題,表達一種邀請,邀請這塊土地上的人們一起來,一起分享彼此的生命和藝術。
碧拉.塔妮雅 & 周靈芝
Joint Exhibition by Prilla Tania & Julie Chou
‘作伙來’是一句口語台灣話,意思是’一起來’ 、’一起吃’ 。我們以它為展覽標題,表達一種邀請,邀請這塊土地上的人們一起來,一起分享彼此的生命和藝術。
碧拉.塔妮雅 & 周靈芝
The human migration has affected both cultural and natural environment of a certain place. People migrate to find a new home for themselves and sometimes for generations to come. Different cultures mix together in one piece of land creates a new diverse world. Food is one thing human can't live without, therefore the food and eating culture spread all over the world along with human migration. The eating itself has become an important thing in modern culture, people go out to eat to meet, people invite other people to eat, people tries different food to get to know little bit about other culture, etc.
‘Ze Hui Lai’ is a colloquil Taiwanese expression, which means get together or eat together. We use it as the title of the exhibition, to show a gesture of inviting: inviting people to come together; to get involved in, and to savor life and art in this land.
Prilla Tania & Julie Chou
The human migration has affected both cultural and natural environment of a certain place. People migrate to find a new home for themselves and sometimes for generations to come. Different cultures mix together in one piece of land creates a new diverse world. Food is one thing human can't live without, therefore the food and eating culture spread all over the world along with human migration. The eating itself has become an important thing in modern culture, people go out to eat to meet, people invite other people to eat, people tries different food to get to know little bit about other culture, etc.
‘Ze Hui Lai’ is a colloquil Taiwanese expression, which means get together or eat together. We use it as the title of the exhibition, to show a gesture of inviting: inviting people to come together; to get involved in, and to savor life and art in this land.
Prilla Tania & Julie Chou

'Too salty' in 'Ze Hui Lai'
Title of work: Too salty & documentation
Medium: Digital print, installation
Size of work:
Too salty: 180 x 135cm for landscape, 66 x 88cm x 4 x 2 for portrait
Documentation: 4 prints (54 x 40.5cm) on left wall, 2 prints on right wall, a small teatable at the right corner, a book on table
(Subject to change)
It's all about community :D
Landscape and portraits.
Human and land.
The salination of soil that a small community in western Australia encountered represents one of the biggest issues of environmental and ecological concerns nowadays striking people hardly.
I ask ladies from the community to cook one best dish each for me with too much salt to address the problem of the land. It’s a work with community involvement and a work of warning from the community to audience to take seriously look at the environmental problems. Documentation from previous presentation is included in this exhibition as well.