2020年12月24日 星期四

Patchwork workshop for high-risk students at New Taipei Municipal Shuang-Xi High School

A friend invited me to give a two-day (12/8, 12/15) patchwork workshop at her alma mater of Shuang-xi High School, New Taipei City. The participants of the workshop are boarders, some of them are nice kids, but more are high-risk students. Although it's a challenge to get these kids being concentrated for a while, the results of their work are quite encouraging. And, after the workshop, I stayed one more day to give the works a finishing touch, group them into 4 tablecloth to be exhibited. 




2020年11月25日 星期三

Some more photos of the works in the exhibition "Flower/non-flower vs Vessel/non-vessel"

Photos of my works: 

(Photo by Hairu)

(Photo by Hairu)

(Photo by Hairu)

(photo by Raito)

(Photo by Hairu)

(Photo by Hairu)

and the panoramic photos of the exhibition (photos by 莊博堯) : 


2020年11月15日 星期日

Flower/ non-flower vs Vessel/ non-vessel (花非花,器非器)

Title of the exhibition:花非花,器非器    Flower/ non-flower vs Vessel/ non-vessel
Date:11-14 ~11-29
Gallery:寶藏巖國際藝術村,創意小客廳 53號
Artists:周靈芝 x 周雯君 x 彭湄文    Julie Chou x Elisa Chou x Mei-wen Peng


 (work by Julie Chou, photo by Attic staff, THAV)

 (work by Mei-wen Peng, photo by Attic staff, THAV)

 (work by Elisa Chou, photo by Attic staff, THAV)


Julie CHOU focuses her artistic development on environmental and community art. CHOU collaborated with the villagers and created organic gardens in Treasure Hill. She also holds workshops of clay and fabric, inviting people to create their own art works.


Title of works:  


The works in this exhibition have neither fixed subject nor clear image.

Rather, they are outcome of the free flow of mind, following the sensory memory and responding to the gallery space, trying to find out the possibilities of making ceramics which convey the non-flower / non-vessel characteristics against the conventional concept of flowers and flower containers.




2020年10月21日 星期三

Particaped in the community project of 2020 Treasure Hill Light Festival: Symbiosis Relationship 《相依的總和》

Treasure Hill Villagers Association invited me to help them with the production and installation of the works for THAV Light Festival 2020: Symbiosis Relationship《相依的總和》.

Photos of the installation and the works are as follows: 


The next three images are borrowed from the THAV FB page.

The work in the middle of the first image is mine. 

The photographer is really skillful.