The works by students and residents of Lukang township at 2018 Lukang public art workshop :
2018年12月29日 星期六
Lukang: Art Feast Workshop for Cultural Landscape Public Art Project in Changhua County
Lukang: Art Feast Workshop for Cultural Landscape Public Art Project in Changhua County
Instructor: Julie Chou
Venue: Lukang Junior High School, Fuxing Barn
Date: 2018-12-26
Instructor: Julie Chou
Venue: Lukang Junior High School, Fuxing Barn
Date: 2018-12-26
Some documentation of the workshop:
2018年9月17日 星期一
Water Ciphers: a hidden message in the water -- work for "Art in Chungli" Project 水的密碼 ("藝遊中壢上河圖"作品)
水的密碼 Water Ciphers
Statement :
Water is the source of life. Hidden in water are messages for life, which then being encoded into different lifeforms and various organisms. The Old Street River, located at the downtown area of Chungli, Taoyuan, has been running all the way from the upstream town Longtan, and carried many possibilities of new life. Guarding the Old Street River is to guard the creatures coming from the water and the environment where are home to these creatures as well as the human kind.The work consists of three parts: the flying feathers on grassland, the mini woods, and the little fish in shoals being installed along the railings of the riverbank. This work is made by artist Julie Chou with the collaboration of Water Environment Patrolling Team on the Old Street River in Chungli and Hsing Guo Elementary School kids.
Water plays such an important role in all lives and it seems that all lifeforms contain the hidden message from water. I use forms of wings, plants and fish to represent the transformative manifestation of this hidden message, trying to get people's attention to care for the river.
2018年8月15日 星期三
Daily Pottery -- an exhibition of ceramic works by disabled people
Daily Pottery is an exhibition showing the pottery works by disabled people. It is the outcome of 2 workshops that I led and worked, with people who have visual or hearing disabilities, during the residency in Treasure Hill Artist Village in July. Seven office interns from THAV and TAV for summer season curated the show collectively. The works are installed with care and beautiful lighting, and very thoughtful arrangements. A very nice exhibition worth to pay a visit. I'm honored to be in this project. Below are photos from THAV's FB pages:
Two photos show the workshop for hearing-disabled people. But I was too busy to take any photos at the workshop for visually disabled people.
Unfortunately THAV doesn't have any English info for this exhibition. Here I post Chinese version as follows,
● 展覽地點 VENUE/寶藏巖,上光11展間
Upper Ray Gallery No.11, Treasure Hill
● 開幕時間 OPENING/2018.08.10 (Fri.) 15:30
● 展期 EXHIBITION PERIOD/2018.08.10 (Fri.) - 9.9 (Sun.)
● 開放時間 OPEN TIME/11:00-18:00 (Closed on Monday)
日日陶冶|視聽障捏陶公益展//Daily Pottery
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