2013年11月25日 星期一

Art Buffet in Three Lamps 三盞燈的藝術食堂

Art Buffet in Three Lamps

Art Buffet in Three Lamps is a community art project in Macau using patchwrok as a medium to encourage people in that community participating in art creation.

The idea of making patchwork of dishes was first initiated by Pila, a brillant Indonesian artist friend. We had a joint exhibition focus on food at Taipei Artist Village in 2008 and she proposed we collaborated on the workshop of making patchwork as dishes. We had known each other from a residency together in Western Australia the year before and both were fond of many similar issues and things, such as food, plants, environmental concerns and needlework. She helped me with a videotaped interview with a few Australian old ladies who made wonderful patchworks and 2 traditional brick builders in the same community.

When I was invited to organize a workshop for community people in Macau by the Cultural Affairs Burreau, I thought about how to find an easiest method for people who had no art-making experience to get start. So, making patchwork as food becomes a best choice. My consideration is food comes from everyday life, so it's not a strange thing to the participants, the same as fabric, that can dispel the fear and irrelevance of art making with these people. However, combining the two will result in a new sense of feelings that enhances the appreciation of art and brings about a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

The project was overwhelmingly welcomed, partly due to the thoughtfulness of my project partner and collaborator – Point View Art Association, and their considerate helpers. Participants of the workshop all come from the neighborhood of Three Lamps, an old district famous for its gourmet cuisine as well as a fabric market street. My project partner made many trips of interviewing with the resturants there, documenting the history and stories of these resturants. Many of the owners were migrants from Southeast Asian countries. They brought in colorful food cultures.

We set up 3 workshops, working with all ages. The outcome was great. There are 8 tables of gorgeous food, 7 pieces of dishes displayed at resturants, and one specially designed for the Association of Beneficial and Mutual Assistance at Moradores of Bairto O Tai. The participants include parents and children, grandmas and young people. Their works show a glimpse into the local flavour and taste.

Many of them said this is the first time they put hands on patchwork, but they enjoy it very much and feel proud of their own work. Some kids even developed interests and asked for more scraps of fabric to make new works at home.

The openning night was very touching too. Besides the usual offical speeches, participants were encouraged to stand on stage and share their artistic experience. Many old ladies on wheelchair were gathering around our tables, examining the works more closely. Those tables then were moved to the exhibition site of Travessa de Martinho Montenegro. The show will be on until Dec 8. 

News report on Macau Television (TDM) : http://www.tdm.com.mo/c_video/play_video.php?id=16075 
Macau Web TV : http://www.good.com.mo/?s=516 

2013年10月26日 星期六

Green Sculptures‧Furniture Garden @ 2013 Taoyuan Land Art Festival, 綠雕塑‧家具植栽 @ 2013 桃園地景藝術節

Art Project of 'Green SculpturesFurniture Garden' @ 2013 Taoyuan Land Art Festival 綠雕塑‧家具植栽 @ 2013 桃園地景藝術節

Work Description: Green Sculptures‧Furniture Garden

Pictures @ 綠雕塑 Green Sculptures

作品名稱/Title:綠雕塑‧家具植栽(Green Sculptures‧Furniture Garden)
「綠雕塑」是以綠的概念為發想所發展出來的一件雕塑地景作品,邀請社區民眾提供廢棄或回收的舊傢俱,經過整理和分類後,透過工作坊的引導,帶領學校 學生(清華高中、龍潭農工園藝科、新屋國小等)及社區民眾,以分組方式集體創作,將舊傢俱當作容器來想像並進行立體構成,然後栽植花果、香草或蔬菜,形成 以生活物件組合而成的生活綠雕塑。
1. 綠鯨魚;2. 伯公廟;3. 一○一;4. 鴨嘴獸;5. 情人橋;6. 原木
7. 火車;8. 小木馬;9. 屋中號;10. 黃色小鴨花園休息站;11. 風車;12. LTVS;13. 孔雀;14. 互生;15. 請上坐

Special Thanks to:

  • 提供廢棄課桌椅的新屋國小、新屋國中、清華高中
  • 協助搬運材料的新屋鄉清潔隊
  • 出借場地、設備和工具的陳阿姨、黃先生
  • 植物諮詢:洪先生、新屋種子行、草漯再生園種苗花圃
  • 假日澆水志工:林菁玉
  • 以及所有參與此次工作坊的清華高中師生、龍潭農工園藝科學生、新屋國小、平興國中、新奇屋幼兒園和社區家長們,還有工作站的好夥伴:范淇暢、周得豪

2013年8月4日 星期日

picture books workshop

Picture books workshop at Chung-Shan District, Taipei.

A photo of the book covers from 10 authors (children and adults).


2013年3月27日 星期三

The Power of Planting 種植的力量

This was first posted on my facebook. I decided to move it here.
It's in Chinese and dated back on March 23, 2011.
I will translate it into English when I find time.
Or, anyone volunteers?


201132319:28 Julie Chou網誌



我把英國藝術家David Haley贈送的向日葵種子和阿特贊助的小黃瓜種子拿給她們姊妹,

2013年2月5日 星期二

Round up for 2011-2012

It has been long due to round up for the years of 2011 and 2012.

After the Cheng-Long Wetlands Inernatonal Environmental Art Project of April-May 2011, I have involved in Public Art Program at Yeh Liu Elementary School, New Taipei City, from July until December 2011. This program aims to enhance students' experience with public art through course design. My role is to lead the students and teachers to learn more about environmental art. It is a tough task. But I succeeded at least having students to touch the earth and plant something. The sheer joy of little greens sprout out of the soil excited kids. To know more, see the link: http://deoafoundation.pixnet.net/blog

In 2011-2012, I worked again in Budai, Chiayi, with a group of experts from the local. They are fishfarmers, windmill expert, city planners, musicians, artists, educators, cultural and environmental activists. My contribution was on two aspects: one is a workshop series for local community focusing on the impact of Climate Change; another one is a series of workshops with schoolkids to look at the environment – the wetlands.

From July to October 2012, I took a residency at Tainan DaGang Community. It's a mixed experience. …...

In October and November 2012, I was invited to work with HsinPo community in TaoYuan. It's a community mixed with Hakka and Hoklo residents. The residents are lovely. They are very earnest to learn things and they have great love for their own village. I designed 5 workshops and had two friends come over to share knowledge and to encourage the villagers. We discussed how to preserve an old brick kiln and improve the ecosystem of the ponds in and around the village. Wish them success and hope to work again with them.