some more photos from Tim and QQmei:
Cheng long wetlands is a place of farming land reclaimed by the sea. I made the work ''returning to the sea', using the form of starfish to represent its oceanic features, as well as its abilities of regeneration and adaptation; while putting the work in the salty water, try to create a structural base for oceanic biotopes in the newly-formed wetlands.
The work is constructed with bamboos and oyster shells, applying the industrial technique of the local oyster farming, but replacing the metals and plastics with natural materials such as ropes, to assure it won't harm the wildlife in the wetlands. The work has been assisted by many people, including the elders from the community, the students from Cheng Long elementary school, and the volunteers recurited by Kuan Shu Educational Foundation. The last finishing touch of the work before its installation in the water is like a decorating moment for celebrations, with a bunch of people hanging oyster shells onto the bamboo structure rejoycingly. It is great fun and turning the perspective and scope from a human's back to the Nature.
I particularly thank David Haley, a good friend and British artist, whose generous sharing of his knowledge and experience has inspired this work.