in "Fushion Folks" of Bopiarts;
Aug 29, Sat - Nov 01, Sun, 2009
This is a work done before my UK trip, with great helps from many friends and lovely people.
My time was urgent and I was pressured to get it done as quick as possible but not losing vision or quality of the work. It's still currently on show at Bopiliao, Taipei, the venue for Bopiarts.
Artist Ref.
I haven't been in the show by person yet since its opening. Thanks for the curator and volunteers who take good care of my work, and here are some photos sent by them and my brother:

The work took 2 rooms. One room shows an installation of a key/hole shape brickwork filled with charcoal of Taiwan acacia, and a tree of Taiwan acacia standing at the center. Corresponding to it on the other side is a wall of computer-generated visionary landscape, with the brickwork and tree exactly set on the pre-purposed location. On the side wall hangs an enlarged old photo from the ancient charcoal market at the site. The room was supposedly exposed in natural light. Unfortunately the filming crew of a Taiwanese movie "Manga" blocked the front door and window, making it dark inside, which is not healthy at all for the tree and wasn't my initial intention.
Another room consists of 3 wall-hanging framed sketches and floor plan for the work, as well as a contour of the roof-edge on street level. The wall of the contour along with another side wall open to the public for audience response, which I heard was very vehement. :D

The words I put on the wall is: What does the past and future of Bo Pi Liao mean to you? Please leave your comments and share with others. And there are questionares on spot, asking 3 questions as shown below. The reason I give out questionare is becasue different departments in the government have different ideas about this area to be revitalized, but it seems no one really listen to the previous residents as well as other people there and the public. I hope through this work to gather all the voices and show a collective inclination instead of just some of a few officials' will. I'm glad audience respond vehemently. Thanks to Janey for suggesting me of adding this description.
The questions are: Seeing to the Future
Where are you from?
I am ( 1, previous resident of Bo Pi Liao 2, Wanhua resident 3, from Taipei City 4, from other parts of Taiwan 5, foreigner ).
In your opinion, what is Bo Pi Liao like?
What do you wish to see for Bo Pi Liao's future? Why?
* Thank you for your answers. Would you like to leave your name and profession?
Yes, my name is ________________________. I am _______________________________.